In 2006, I had the opportunity to visit South Africa and ever since I returned, I've wanted to make my way back. Five years later, I have been given the incredible opportunity to co-lead a team of fifteen to Uganda where we will be facilitating a marriage and family conference. This trip is a testimony of God's faithfulness in fulfilling promises- a tangible mix of passion, desire, patience and trust.

It is my story of my heart for Africa. It is God's story of hope, healing and restoration to a broken land. And I invite you into the journey...this is a story involving US.

It is the Uganda Story.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chapter 3: Identity

So God created human beings in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.- Genesis 1:27

Everyone has a story to tell.

Four weeks ago, I started a new job at Alvarado Parkway Institute in their adult psychiatric outpatient program. In my new role, I'm leading group therapy and managing a rather large caseload of patients, all of whom have severe mental illness. It's challenging, emotional, exciting, dynamic...and I love it.

One day in group, I was asking patients to identify one thing they've learned since attending the outpatient program. As each person shared, I began to see glimpses of change, growth and healing that's taken place in their lives, small successes that are often overshadowed by the intensity of their problems. Once everyone had responded, I was about to move on to another activity when one patient turned to me and asked, "What about you Alair- what have you learned since being here?" An innocent question that completely caught me off guard. I looked around the room at the faces of men and women who have experienced pain, isolation, confusion and despair like I will never know. I saw individuals who were created by God yet scarred by brokenness, each one beholding value and worth simply because they are God's sons and daughters.

And so I answered: "I've learned that everyone here has a story. We're all very different in a lot of ways, yet we're all very similar. No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone has a story."

In less than two months, my team and I will be boarding a plane from LA to Dubai to Entebbe, Uganda. It still feels very surreal to think I'm actually going; sometimes, it just feels like we're planning a conference that's going to happen in San Diego. But the plane tickets are purchased, I'm making arrangements to get my shots and my passport is renewed. This is real.

Over the past few weeks, my team has been discussing and planning all of the details about the conference. We settled on the theme "Image Dei," which means "Image of God." We believed this applies to every man and woman attending the conference- single or married, rich or poor, Ugandan or American. We'll be looking at the ways in which each of us have been made in God's image and are thus valuable, worthy, and chosen. We'll hold workshops focused on healthy communication, financial responsibility, sexuality and gender roles, health and hygiene and raising children. We'll challenge participants to consider how God is inviting them to live as his image-bearers in a broken world. Before and after the conference, we'll also be teaching Ugandan church leaders how to run a conference, how to facilitate a small group discussion and how to counsel and support those in their churches who are hurting and in need.

I'll be honest- this process has not been easy for me. God has been inviting me to pursue humility, empathy and a genuine servant attitude in this planning process. What I have been reminded of time and time again is that this trip is more than just planning a conference, making my own agenda, teaching lessons or even offering therapy; it is about learning to see each person's story. Each person I encounter (whether on my team or in Uganda) has been made in God's image and so automatically holds a unique, powerful identity. My prayer is that our team would simply be mirrors for one another and for our Ugandan friends- reflecting back to others the truth of who they are and how God sees them. Such a simple task and yet so vital for healing.

And so I ask you again, in humility and faith, to partner with me on this journey. I am still in need of financial support and trust that God will provide until the very last dollar is raised. I believe so strongly in what we have been called to do and believe just as strongly that friends and family will be faithful to give as they desire. Thank you already for your prayers and encouragement and excitement- it means so much to me!

If you would like to give your support, please check out the "Join the Journey" section to your right and please let me know if you have any questions. My prayer is that you would come to know your true identity and help others find their own...

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