"Christian brotherhood is not an ideal which we must realize; it is rather a reality created by God in Christ in which we may participate." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Over the past several days, I have experienced genuine community like never before. More than the numbers and dollar signs, your participation in the "One Week...One Month" Challenge showed me that God is faithful, that God is alive in your hearts and that true community can exist.
To all who have supported my upcoming trip to Uganda: thank you. With all the humility, sincerity and authenticity I have, I am truly grateful that you have partnered with me and made this story your own. To the 30 who joined the "One Week...One Month" Challenge, I wanted to recognize your support and who you are in my life...

Jen. Jen and I have been friends since junior high, and some of our first memories involved mission trips to Mexico. Jen and her husband Jason decided to support me "because we fully believe that God has called and gifted you specifically for this time in Uganda. Since we can't join you in serving together this is a way in which we can join in the work that God is doing and will do in and through you." Jen is currently on a short-term mission trip in Lebanon, and you can follow her team at www.lebanoninjuly.blogspot.com .

Sarah. Jen, Sarah and I actually grew up going to church together and have spent countless hours together on mission trips to Mexico. Sarah has always had a compassionate heart and desire to serve others, no matter who they are.

Linda. Linda was the first of 30 to give! We've been roommates for over 2 years and friends for longer, and she has been cheering me on since Day 1. I've traveled with Linda to Ireland, Colorado, and Yosemite, and I cannot ever repay her for getting me hooked on Harry Potter.

Tasha. Tasha and I spent 7 months together in a spiritual formation group and she has spoken truth into my life like few have. She is a yoga extraordinaire, exudes a sweet spirit and has become a dear friend.

Jamie. Jamie and I worked together at Point Loma for a summer and became friends quickly. She could always make me laugh with a story about one of her tour groups or phone calls, and how I needed that! Jamie shared with me, "Like many, I have a passion for missions, and I like to help whenever I can! Nothing exciting, just understanding the power of community."

Michelle. This girl has a heart for mission work unlike any other! She's currently living in Japan, teaching English and living out the Gospel. Michelle and I also spent a lot of time in youth group together and I was always encouraged by her genuine care and concern for other countries.

April. April and I met through my brother- April was in the same
discipleship program as my brother. Even though we've only seen each other twice, we clicked and have been friends ever since! April and her friend Amy have a really cool business creating some amazing clothing and artwork all by hand!

Adam & Emily. Both Adam and Emily have become good friends, real fast. They're the kind of people you meet once and think, "We're going to be friends." In fact, that's what Emily and I said when we met! I'm so grateful to have their support (and friendship) in my life.

Liz (left). Like Tasha, Liz and I journeyed together through the same seven-month spiritual formation group and she graciously opened her home to our whole group. We instantly bonded over our love for the John Muir Trail and all things nature. I love her wisdom and gentle spirit.
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